The blend of CBD Oil and Essential oils in our high-quality roller products are absorbed and utilized by the body through both inhalation and skin. The benefits of our CBD infused essential oil rollers include: Easy to apply; Quickly penetrates the skin at various pulse points for rapid absorption; Small, discreet, and perfect for use at home or on the go; Safe for travel and airports (all products comply with the 2018 Farm Act); The added benefit of aromatherapy from powerful essential oil blends.
I’m new to cannabinoid products, is this legal?
Yes. The cannabis products that are currently considered illegal are because they contain THC above the current threshold according to the Farm Bill Act of 2018. The cannabinoid-based products that we sell, comply with the act’s threshold for THC. This makes them legal to ship, possess, and consume; even in states that have not legalized THC containing products. The 2018 Farm Bill, signed by President Trump in 2018, allows for the sale of hemp derived products, as long as the THC levels the product contains are below the .03% THC threshold. You can verify that all our products meet the current legislative guidelines by viewing the COA (Certificate of Analysis) for each product.
What more can I know about CBD?
What is CBD exactly? CBD or Cannabidiol is a specific compound found in hemp and cannabis plants that have been known to trigger receptors in the brain as well as the body and help promote general health & wellness. In recent years, studies have shown that CBD products have proven themselves to be a great “Alternative” to over the counter or prescribed pharmaceuticals in their ability to provide relief for a variety of numerous ailments. Here at Natural Gold Farms, all products we provide are hemp derived.